Virtual activities & workshops

TAKEN: A Virtual Escape Game Team Building Experience

With MentorU & Escape Manor

1.5 – 3 HOURS








TAKEN is Escape Manor’s latest creation – a fun and engaging virtual escape game that can be played in teams from the comfort of your home.

In this interactive team building session facilitated by MentorU‘s Jay Gosselin, the excitement of an escape game helps your team transfer important lessons in teamwork to your ongoing collaboration and communication.

Enjoy the emotional and intellectual benefits of solving problems and further developing interpersonal trust and relationships. You’ve never had so much fun while learning!

TAKEN: A Virtual Escape Game Team Building Experience

How It Works

  • First, test your virtual communication and problem-solving skills as your team attempts to uncover clues and connect disparate information to rescue a high-ranking official from the United Nations.

  • Small teams will remain as one group while larger teams will be broken out into subgroups of 3-4 participants.

  • Once complete, your entire group will de-brief on your teamwork and communication through the facilitation of MentorU's expert coach, Jay Gosselin.

Additional Materials Required

  • LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Spotify (one account per breakout group). Free accounts suffice.


MentorU’s programs are experiential, interactive and FUN. Our greatest strength is creating an open and inclusive space for meaningful professional development. We use practices from Positive Psychology and Humanistic Counseling to help people and teams flourish while improving the bottom line. Our clients consistently report improved confidence, self-awareness and communication skills.

“Thanks to Jay’s insightful workshop, our team building experience was incredibly valuable to both our new and tenured team members. The opportunities that we brought to the surface as a group, through Jay’s facilitation, are being implemented right now to improve our culture and our success as a team. We highly recommend this experience to other organizations.”
Tom Riley
Managing Director, S.i. Systems Ltd.

Interested in TAKEN: A Virtual Escape Game Team Building Experience?

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TAKEN: A Virtual Escape Game Team Building Experience


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